OTP roundel Origin Technical Productions title
Temporary Structures FOH & Control structures

6m x 6m 3-storey FOH structure

OTP uses the widely acclaimed Layher scaffolding system to construct its three storey 6m x 6m Front of House Control structure.

3-Storey 6m x 6m FOH structure for festival stage. FOH 4m x 4m structure for festival stage. FOH 4m x 4m structure for festival stage. FOH 4m x 4m structure for festival stage.
FOH structures:
1/4: 3-Storey 6m x 6m FOH structure for festival stage.
FOH structures:
2/4: 4m x 4m structure for festival stage.
FOH structures:
3/4: 4m x 4m structure for festival stage.
FOH structures:
4/4: 4m x 4m structure for festival stage.
Wyndham House, Lester Way, Wallingford, Oxfordshire OX10 9TD
Yard access from Lupton Road, OX10 9BS
Production & Hire Telephone: +44(0)1235 816497
© Origin Technical Productions Ltd
Friday 27th December 2024   6:57pm
Registered in England and Wales Company registration No.8297114
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